WisePorter automates pricing at ONIO and handles 500,000 price changes daily

ONIO is one of the largest Czech e-commerce companies, with an annual turnover of around CZK 1.5 billion. It operates seven specialized e-shops in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The most well-known include the websites www.pneumatiky.cz with the widest range of tires on the market and www.rucni-naradi.cz with a focus on garden tools. ONIO offers almost 100,000 different products from nearly a hundred brands and buys goods from more than a hundred suppliers from all over Europe.

Product managers at ONIO use the smart product catalogue WisePorter as a single source of truth for all products from all perspectives, whether it is parameters, categorization, SEO, or pricing.

Challenges Faced by Customers

The situation ONIO faces when working with products brings the following major challenges:

● It is not humanly possible to manage one hundred thousand products individually

● products need to be handled efficiently and consistently, from a marketing and sales perspective, across all sales channels. This is not the task of an ERP or individual e-shops, a suitable system is missing

● product information is fragmented across various systems. This makes product management extremely challenging and also creates inconsistencies in data with a negative impact on customer and business results

● the goods ONIO focuses on have complicated pricing. Inputs from suppliers change every hour, and high competition in the industry creates pressure for maximum accuracy in cost pricing, including all bonuses and additional costs

The customer’s vision was to obtain one central point of truth for all systems that work with products, to manage the products strategically using rules and principles, not individual settings, and to move pricing calculations from Excel to automated rules applied across the board and immediately when inputs change.

How WisePorter has helped

The customer chose WisePorter PIM system because of its great flexibility in defining products and their parameters, and its strong support for automated rules that do not require IT to modify.

In the ONIO architecture, WisePorter has acquired the role of the master system for products. Each product is first created in the WisePorter product catalog and then automatically distributed to other applications.

The product catalog supports various types of products with different parameters, and their form is defined by categorization. ONIO has full control over the form of the model and can add additional parameters or change their behaviour at any time.

WisePorter solves not only the form of the product itself, but also its form in a specific sales channel, SEO settings, texts, and images. This behaviour is also set by rules, so the product manager doesn’t have to fill in the data on each product individually, the values are compiled automatically.

The product cannot be separated from its price. WisePorter keeps track of market offers and ONIO’s internal stock by regularly importing price lists and stock levels. Automated rules are set up to compare various offers, and to select the most appropriate supplier for a particular product at a specific time. It also calculates the exact cost price, taking into account all additional discounts and costs, as input to the sales strategy for individual sales channels, price levels and customer segments.

Each individual e-shop, ERP and third-party feeds then work with up-to-date and consistent product data and can focus on their main task. For ERP, this means purchasing, warehousing and accounting, for e-shops the presentation of the offer to the client, orders and payments, and for feeds displaying the ONIO offer wherever the customer needs to find it.

Tomáš Beroun, IT Director at ONIO, explains, "We've been aware for some time that if we want to enter other markets, expand our offer and maintain a competitive price, ERP and Excel alone are no longer enough. WisePorter is a digital tool that provides comprehensive A to Z product support and has robust automation features. This is exactly what we were looking for and will help us grow our business."
Pavel Janek, product owner of the new solution at ONIO, adds: "We have worked intensively together to solve some challenges, including consolidating data from multiple sources into one place, adapting to evolving business requirements, and adapting to our unique needs that WisePorter was not originally equipped to handle. I'm grateful that OpenWise took us on not just as another contract, but as a unified team committed to solving problems, with both parties working tirelessly to ensure success."
"The biggest relief for us is the automatic incorporation of bonus entitlements into purchase prices, " says Lukas Babicek, Purchase & Sales Manager at ONIO. "We now set everything up ourselves, without IT, and whenever we need it. Automatic calculations of sales prices for individual sales channels and price levels then allow us to offer interesting parameters to wholesale partners and our own employees. Furthermore, the expanded capabilities in creating promotions, along with various promotion types and pricing, represent another noteworthy milestone for us."


Finanční instituce vs. moderní doba: Produktový katalog jako záchrana před zastaralými systémy

WisePorter v1.3 Release Notes

Evoluce potřeb eCommerce firem: Od excelu k PIM systému